Founder, publisher and distributor:
Ural State Law University

21 Komsomolskaya St., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia 620137
Telephone / Fax: +7 (343) 374-43-63


Scientific-theoretical, informational, and practical journal. It was founded in 1992.

Certificate of state registration № 01478 of August 13, 1992 ISSN 2071-3797. Founders: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and Ural State Law Academy.

Issued - 6 times a year.

In August 1992, the Editorial Board and the Editorial Council of the journal were created, which included scientists from USLU and the main scientific centers of Russia. By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission, the Russian Juridical Journal has been included since January 1, 2007 in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for candidate and doctor of science degrees should be published.

Since 2011, the journal has been included in the bibliographic database, published and indexed on the EBSCO Host library platform (EBSCO Information Services, Ipswich, MA, USA).
Since 2012, the journal has been included in The Ulrich's ™ bibliographic database (SerialsSolutions ®, Seattle, WA, USA.). In 2014, the journal became available on the EastView information services platform and became part of the Presidential Library's collections. In February 2016, the journal was included in the bibliographic database European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS). The main goal of the journal, formulated by the editorial board, is the optimal combination of federal and regional problems of legal regulation and law enforcement practice. The magazine is intended as an all-Russian publication. Among the members of the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee are scientists representing law universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Saratov, Kazan, Perm, Tyumen, Barnaul, Leuven, Kiel, and Beijing. The author's geography includes more than 60 cities in Russia, a number of CIS countries, Great Britain, Vietnam, Germany, Israel, China, Romania, USA, Tunisia, Finland, France, Ethiopia, Japan. There are traditional and most popular categories: "Theory of Law and State", "International Law", "Economics and Law", "Civil Law and Procedure", "Criminal Law and Procedure", etc.

Considerable attention is paid to the problems of political science and local self-government, investigative and judicial practice, and comparative law. The journal cooperates with the largest law universities in Russia – law academies and universities, law departments of Altai, Kazan, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Perm, Tyumen universities, and state authorities. Such interaction involves posting information materials, publishing scientific articles, holding round tables based on the journal. The journal is edited, made up in pages, and replicated by the Editorial Board of the journal.

"Russian juridical journal" is used in the current educational process at the University. Articles and materials of the journal are recommended as additional sources for studying the main disciplines of specialization. The journal is closely connected with the scientific life of the University. It contains articles of students, postgraduates, teachers, materials of scientific conferences.


Electronic supplement to "Russian Juridical Journal" is an independent scientific, theoretical, informational, practical and interactive publication, open to extraordinary law researchers and extraordinary ideas.

It was founded in 2010, ISSN 2219-6838. Certificate of state registration of mass media EL № FS 77-41478 dated July 28, 2010 issued by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technologies and mass communications. On August 17, 2011, registration certificate № 460 Electronic supplement to "Russian Juridical Journal" was registered as an electronic scientific publication by FSUE "Informregister". State registration number - 0421200144 (registration is valid during 2012). According to art.1 (p. 1 p. 2), art.11 (p. 4) of FL 29.12.2010 № 436-FZ the journal is not subjected to marking.

The founder is Ural State Law University. It is issued 6 times a year.

The magazine is intended as a national and international publication. Among the members of the Editorial Board are representatives of leading Russian law universities from Moscow, Voronezh, Saratov, Ufa, Kazan, Perm, Tyumen, Barnaul, Vladivostok, scientists from Germany and Finland, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Justice.

The mission of the journal is to provide a primary and interested audience with systematized practice-oriented and theoretical-methodological information aimed at analyzing and solving the main theoretical and legal problems and problems of an applied character.


  • coverage of legal issues;
  • providing the audience with the opportunity to hold a virtual discussion on the declared problems;
  • attracting the widest audience to discuss legal issues in order to raise the level of legal culture and legal awareness.

The supplement contains all the headings known to the reader of the Russian Juridical Journal: «The Russian Federation and its Subjects», «International Law», «Issues of Legal methodology», «Economics and Law», «Civil Law and Procedure», «Criminal Law and Procedure», etc. However, it is expected to introduce interdisciplinary and discussion sections.

The journal is edited, made up in pages, and replicated by the Editorial Board of the journal.

The journal is published in accordance with the principle of "open access", as it is understood within the framework of the Budapest open access initiative. All articles are available on the Internet for all users immediately after their publication, non-commercial use and distribution is permitted provided the use of links, all the articles and issues are freely available free of charge (readers can read, download, copy, distribute the full texts of articles without prior permission from the publisher or author). The journal does not charge a fee for the publication of articles and their editorial processing.


Journal "Russian Law: Education, Practice, Science" (ISSN 2410-2709) - professional legal publication. It has been published since 2004. Since June 7, 2017, it has been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for candidate and doctor of science degrees ("List of Higher Attestation Commission") should be published.

The journal discusses current issues of the Russian legal system and international law, highlights events from the world of law, and publishes interviews with well-known scientists and practicing lawyers, government officials, and public figures. In the journal you can find scientific articles and analytical materials, expert comments, essays and reviews, and much more. Traditionally, the journal pays great attention to the issues of the judicial system and judicial proceedings, human rights protection, advocacy and notaries, legal education. 

The main content of the journal consists of scientific articles and reviews.

Guests of our issues at different times were adviser to the President of the Russian Federation V. F. Yakovlev, Russian Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, Vice-President of the Federal Law Chambers of the Russian Federation G. M. Reznik, Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs B.Yu. Titov, Chairman of the Court on Intellectual Rights L.A. Novoselova, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation A.N. Kokotov, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation A.V. Konovalov, Director of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia A.E. Parfenchikov, Chairman of the Russian Federation State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation P.V. Krasheninnikov, Secretary of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation N.E. Konkin, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician A.I. Tatarkin, President of Tyumen State University G.N. Chebotarev, Rector of St. Petersburg State University N.M. Kropachev and many others. 

The purpose of the journal is to create a Russian-language platform for the publication and open discussion of research results in current areas of Russian, foreign and international law. 

Main objectives of the journal:

  • providing Russian legal scientists with the possibility of free publication of research results on the problems of Russian, foreign and international law and comparative law;
  • providing foreign legal scientists writing in Russian or English with the possibility of free publication of scientific research on Russian and international law, as well as comparative law;
  • providing scientific review of all scientific articles submitted to the journal for publication;
  • providing open access for readers to all publications published in the journal;
  • providing equal opportunities to leading scientists and young authors for the publication of scientific articles. 

The journal "Russian Law: Education, Practice, Science" is open for cooperation with authors - both recognized experts in the field of law and novice researchers. All scientific articles published in the journal are indexed in the RSCI ("Russian science citation index"), full-text archives of issues are publicly available on the eLYBRARY.RU portal and in the scientific electronic library "Cyberleninka", in the information and legal system "Garant", are indexed in the Google Scholar search (Google Academy). Archiving policy is based on the open access principle: all articles published in the journal are available online without charge.

More information for authors, as well as requirements for articles formatting, the order of their submission, reviewing and publication can be found in the "Authors" section.

The journal "Russian Law: Education, Practice, Science" is published 6 times a year, distributed by subscription (Rospechat catalog index - 18105), through the means of direct mailing to federal government bodies and the largest libraries of the country, as well as at professional legal events (conferences, forums, exhibitions), in which the publication is a partner. 

The founder and publisher of the journal is Ural State Law University. 

Chairman of the Editorial Board - Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor, First Vice-Rector of Ural State Law University M.S. Salikov.


European and Asian Law Review is a scientific information and education periodical devoted to current issues of legal science and practice of the EAEU (the Eurasian Economic Union), BRICS and SCO (the Shanghai Cooperation Organization) Member States. 

Certificate of mass media registration series PI No. FS 77-72531 dated 20 March 2018. 

Distribution area: Russian Federation, foreign countries.

Language: English. 

Publication frequency: twice a year. 

The mission of the journal is to publish and discuss the results of scientific research on political and legal issues of the development of the Euro-Asian cooperation. 

The journal publishes scientific articles, analytical materials, expert comments and reviews prepared by professional lawyers-scientists and practitioners from Member States of the EAEU, BRICS, SCO, as well as politicians, representatives of state authorities, business and the public. 

The history of the journal is inseparably linked with the Euro-Asian Law Congress, which has been held annually in Yekaterinburg since 2007. The Euro-Asian Law Congress was established by the Russian Lawyers Association in 2007 as a special discussion platform where representatives of states, business and the public can update current objectives, and solution of these should contribute to the effectiveness of the Euro-Asian cooperation. 

Until 2018 the results of research and project work of experts in various areas of cooperation were published in the form of a compendium of reports of expert groups, which was presented for discussion at annual sessions of the Euro-Asian Law Congress, and since 2018 – in the journal. Until 2021 the journal was called Herald of The Euro-Asian Law Congress - Certificate of mass media registration series PI No. FS 77-72531 dated 20 March 2018 (Russian Federation), ISSN 2619-0672 (print), ISSN 2713-2935 (online).


The founder and publisher of the journal is the Ural state law University (formerly the Academy). The journal is an online publication – Certificate of registration EL № FS 77-56 480 issued by Roskomnadzor, December 24, 2013. ISSN 2588-0497. ISSN 2588-0497. Since September 2018, the journal has been indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

In accordance with Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", this publication is prohibited for children [18+].

The journal was created as an open-access publication with peer review of all materials.

The journal is indexed in «Russian Index of Scientific Citation».

Main headings of the journal: History of State and Law, Philosophy of Law, Comparative Law, International Law, Criminology.

The creation of the journal has several goals. First of all, set the standard for legal research in the field of scientific periodicals. We are talking about lengthy author's research that go through double-blind review by a representative group of reviewers. No less significant goal - to provide information on Russian legal research for foreign scientists. Initially, most of the materials are planned in Russian, but with an extensive summary in English and a bibliography in roman letters, later - in English. One of the practical goals is to achieve the inclusion of the journal in foreign library databases and citation systems (Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCO, etc.). In addition, the editors have the intention to form a pool of qualified scientists in the field of law, offering them an open platform for scientific discussion.

The editors have experience in the successful preparation of two scientific publications: "Russian Juridical Journal" - a scientific-theoretical, informational and practical journal with a 20-year history, indexed by EBSCO Host, Ulrich's™, ERIH PLUS, RSCI; "Electronic Supplement to the "Russian Juridical Journal" is an electronic scientific periodical for young law researchers and a platform for discussing new scientific ideas, indexed by RSCI. The new edition will help implement ideas that are difficult to achieve in existing projects.

The journal is published in accordance with the principle of "open access", as it is understood within the framework of the Budapest open access initiative. All articles are available on the Internet for all users immediately after their publication, non-commercial use and distribution is permitted provided the use of links, all the articles and issues are freely available free of charge (readers can read, download, copy, distribute the full texts of articles without prior permission from the publisher or author). The journal does not charge a fee for the publication of articles and their editorial processing.


Journal «Issues of Russian Justice» is a scientific and educational online publication covering current issues of science and practice in the field of economics, philosophy, sociology, jurisprudence, and political science.

State Registration Certificate № FS77- 75805.

ISSN (online): 2687-007X.

The main goal of the journal is to create a platform where students, young scientists and teachers can post their research papers on topical issues, as well as discuss their research results.

«Issues of Russian Justice» is a great chance to take your first steps into science, as well as continue to share your thoughts and scientific ideas with the public.


Scientific-practical, economic and law journal "Business, Management and Law" was founded in 2001. The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. State Registration Certificate № FS77-27031 dated January 25, 2007. The journal is published 4 times a year. Subscription index in the catalog of the Agency "Rospechat" - " Newspapers. Magazines": 18626. ISSN 2072-1722.

The journal covers the most topical issues of legal, economic theory and practice. The journal highlights such headings as: "Theory and Practice of Management", "Legal Work at the Enterprise", "Higher School", "Economic Security", "Department", "Tribune of Young Scientists" and a number of other headings.

For each issue, a special topic is allocated, dedicated to one of the discussion topics of science and practice. The following thematic issues were published: "Three new codes: administrative, labor and arbitration procedural", "Insolvency (bankruptcy)", "Integrated business groups (financial and industrial groups, holdings, other corporate structures)", "Corruption", "Politics, Economics and Law", "Russia in the Conditions of Globalization", "Banks and Banking", "Insurance", "Metallurgical Industry of Russia", "Legal Analysis of the Economy", "Economic Justice", "Investments in the Russian Federation", "Systematization of business legislation", "Securities market", "Unification of transport legislation", "Intellectual property", "Philosophical and ethical aspects of entrepreneurship", "Global economic crisis", "Public-private partnership", "Economic analysis of law", "Constitutional Economics", "Pages of Philosophy and Law", "Financial Instruments", "Constitutional Economics", etc. The journal published articles of authoritative scholars from Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries as well as articles of major politicians, and heads of state and municipal agencies.

Members of the editorial Board and Council of the journal are recognized scientists and practitioners from various regions of Russia and abroad.

Undoubtedly, the journal "Business, management and law" makes a huge contribution to the development of scientific thought in Russia, the formation of legal culture, allowing you to highlight various points of view on a particular issue.


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